Is Your Business Closed?
Struggling for Cash Flow?
Not Sure How to Allocate Resources,
Get Your Business Restarted?
If the COVID 19 Crisis has effected your business cash flow, but you have tax and other filings that must be done, we’re here to help. My associates and I will work to get your filings done and keep your business on track. When your business begins operations, we’re here to help manage your books and cash flow to get you back up to speed. From filings to financial management, we’re here to help!
Engage us to provide you with services and we’ll defer all invoices and payments to 2021*! In addition, we will provide you with full tax audit insurance*.
(*Terms and Conditions apply, so please ask us for details. Generally, we will limit the billings we’d carry on a new file to $25,000. Our audit insurance is covered by an external third party insurer. The coverage limits are $10,000 to $50,000, depending on the size of your business. As of writing we are not aware of any other firm that includes coverage for all corporate clients. Your coverage will go towards paying representation fees if CRA examines, audits or conducts even basic inquiries into your files. The coverage can pay for bookkeeping assistance, accounting/tax representation or engaging a lawyer if necessary.)